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Example Queries

Dagger uses Apache Calcite as the querying framework. Find the documentation for the same here. Templates of some of the commonly used types of queries are listed down.

Sample input schema#

Sample booking event schema#

message SampleBookingInfo {  string order_number = 1;  string order_url = 2;  string status = 3;  google.protobuf.Timestamp event_timestamp = 4;  string customer_id = 5;  string driver_id = 6;  string service_type = 7;  string service_area_id = 8;  repeated Item items = 9;  map<string, string> metadata = 10;}
message Item {  string id = 1;  int32 quantity = 2;  string name = 3;}

Sample payment event schema#

message SamplePaymentInfo {  string order_id = 1;  string customer_id = 2;  google.protobuf.Timestamp event_timestamp = 3;  int64 order_amount = 4;}

Influx Sink#

  • While using Dagger with InfluxDB sink, tag_ should be appended to the beginning of those columns which you want as dimensions. Dimensions will help you slice the data in InfluxDB-Grafana. InfluxDB tags are essentially the columns on which data is indexed. Find more on influxDB tags here.
  • DO NOT use tag_ for high cardinal data points such as customer_id, merchant_id etc unless you provide a filtering condition; this will create tag explosion & affect the InfluxDB.
  • Ensure there is at least one value field present in the query(not starting with tag_).
  • In case you want your dimensions without the prefix tag_ you can use label_ prefix. The name of the dimension will not have tag_ or label_ prefix.

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT order_number, service_type as tag_service_id, statusfrom  `booking`

Kafka Sink#

  • Tag_ prefix should not be used before the dimensions.
  • Ensure that sink type is selected as Kafka.
  • Dimensions & metrics from the SELECT section in the query should be mapped exactly to the field names in the output proto.
  • Data types of the selected fields should exactly match to the output proto fields.
  • Unlike Influx sink Dagger, high cardinality should not be an issue in Kafka sink.

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT order_number, service_type, statusfrom  `booking`

BigQuery Sink#

  • Tag_ prefix should not be used before the dimensions.
  • Ensure that sink type is selected as bigquery.
  • Dimensions & metrics from the SELECT section in the query should be mapped exactly to the field names in the output protobuf type configured for bigquery sink
  • Data types of the selected fields should exactly match to the output protobuf type configured for bigquery sink

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT order_number, service_type, statusfrom  `booking`

Aggregation - Tumble window#

  • Use this for aggregating data points using a TUMBLE window function (data aggregated for all points in the window at the end of each cycle).
  • Use the windowing function for Tumble window using the keyword TUMBLE_END(datetime, INTERVAL 'duration' unit) & TUMBLE (datetime, INTERVAL 'duration' unit ) in SELECT & GROUP BY section respectively (duration is a number & unit can be SECOND/MINUTE/HOUR).

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  count(1) as booking_count,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampfrom  `booking`GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND)

Aggregation - Hop window#

  • Use this for aggregating data points using a HOP window function (data aggregated at every slide internal for all points in the window interval).
  • Use the windowing function for Hop window using the keyword HOP_END(datetime, SLIDE_INTERVAL 'duration' unit, WINDOW_INTERVAL 'duration' unit) & HOP (datetime, SLIDE_INTERVAL 'duration' unit, WINDOW_INTERVAL 'duration' unit) in SELECT & GROUP BY section respectively (both slide interval & window interval are numbers & units can be SECOND/MINUTE/HOUR).

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  service_area_id AS tag_service_area_id,  count(1) AS number_of_bookings,  HOP_END(    rowtime,    INTERVAL '60' SECOND,    INTERVAL '1' HOUR  ) AS window_timestampFROM  `booking`GROUP BY  HOP(    rowtime,    INTERVAL '60' SECOND,    INTERVAL '1' HOUR  ),  service_area_id

Subquery/Inner Query#

  • You can use as many inner queries as required.
  • In case you want to use window aggregations both in inner and outer query, use TUMBLE_ROWTIME to get the output rowtimes from the inner window.

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  booking_count,  cancelled_order,  window_timestampFROM  (    SELECT      count(1) as booking_count,      cast(        (          Sum(            Case              When status in (                'CUSTOMER_CANCELLED'              ) Then 1              Else 0            End          )        ) as float      ) as cancelled_order,      TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestamp    from      `booking`    GROUP BY      TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND)  )

Feast Row Transformation#

This sample query is for transforming data to Feature rows for Feast using Features UDF.

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  'MINUTE' AS granularity,  customer_id AS entityKey,  'customers' AS entityName,  Features(    LOWER(service_type),    customer_id  ) AS features,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS eventTimestampFROM  `booking`GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE),  customer_id

Inner Join#

  • In order to keep state size in check, we recommend using time interval joins.
  • Time interval should be in the format table2.rowtime BETWEEN table1.rowtime - INTERVAL 'first duration' unit AND table1.rowtime + INTERVAL 'second duration' unit (both durations are numbers & units can be SECOND/MINUTE/HOUR)

Example query(no with)#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema and payment denotes payment stream with sample payment schema.

SELECT  booking.service_type as tag_service_type,  count(order_number) as number_of_orders,  sum(order_amount) as total_amount,  TUMBLE_END(booking.rowtime, INTERVAL '60' MINUTE) AS window_timestampfrom  `booking`  join `payment` ON booking.order_number = payment.order_id  AND payment.rowtime BETWEEN booking.rowtime  AND booking.rowtime + INTERVAL '5' MINUTEGROUP BY  TUMBLE (booking.rowtime, INTERVAL '60' MINUTE),  booking.service_type

Example query(using with)#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema and payment denotes payment stream with sample payment schema.

WITH booking_info AS (  SELECT    service_type,    customer_id,    order_number,    rowtime  FROM    `booking`),payment_info AS (  SELECT    order_amount    order_id,    rowtime  FROM    `payment`)SELECT  booking_info.service_type as tag_service_type,  count(booking_info.order_number) as number_of_orders,  sum(payment_info.order_amount) as total_amount,  TUMBLE_END(booking_info.rowtime, INTERVAL '60' MINUTE) AS window_timestampfrom  `booking_info`  join `payment_info` ON booking_info.order_number = payment_info.order_id  AND payment_info.rowtime BETWEEN booking_info.rowtime  AND booking_info.rowtime + INTERVAL '5' MINUTEGROUP BY  TUMBLE (booking_info.rowtime, INTERVAL '60' MINUTE),  booking_info.service_type


In union, the fields selected from 2 streams can be combined to create a new stream. Ensure that the same field names are present on both the stream select outputs.

Example query#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema and payment denotes payment stream with sample payment schema.

SELECT  customer_id,  service_type,  order_number,  service_area_id,  event_timestampFROM `booking`UNION ALL  (SELECT    customer_id,    '' AS service_type,    order_id AS order_number,    '' AS service_area_id,    event_timestamp  FROM `payment`)


  • Use Unnest to flatten arrays present in the schema
  • In the FROM section, use the Unnest function after the table name in the following syntax FROM booking, UNNEST(booking.items) AS items (id, quantity, name)
  • All fields from the array object should be added while unnesting

In the above example, to retrieve the unnested fields, use, items.quantity etc.

Example query(list)#

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  tag_itemname,  num_orders,  window_timestampFROM  (    SELECT as tag_itemname,      count(1) as num_orders,      TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '5' MINUTE) AS window_timestamp    FROM      booking,      UNNEST(booking.items) AS items (id, quantity, name)    GROUP BY      TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '5' MINUTE),  )WHERE  num_orders > 100

Example query(map)#

In Dagger, we deserialize maps also as list so unnest works in the following way.

Here booking denotes the booking events stream with sample booking schema.

SELECT  index_map.`key` AS data_in_key,  index_map.`value` AS data_in_value,FROM booking, UNNEST(booking.metadata) AS index_map (`key`, `value`)