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Choosing a Source

Dagger currently supports 3 kinds of data sources:


Both these sources use Kafka as the source of data. KAFKA_SOURCE uses Flink's Kafka Source streaming connector, built using Flink's Data Source API. KAFKA_CONSUMER is based on the now deprecated Flink Kafka Consumer streaming connector.

They are used for unbounded data streaming use cases, that is, for operating on data generated in real time. In order to configure any of these, you would need to set up Kafka(1.0+) either in a local or clustered environment. Follow this quick start to set up Kafka in the local machine. If you have a clustered Kafka you can configure it to use in Dagger directly.


This source uses Parquet files as the source of data. It is useful for bounded data streaming use cases, that is, for processing data as a stream from historically generated Parquet Files of fixed size. The parquet files can be either hourly partitioned, such as

root_folder    - booking_log        - dt=2022-02-05            - hr=09                * g6agdasgd6asdgvadhsaasd829ajs.parquet                * . . . (more parquet files)            - (...more hour folders)        - (... more date folders)

or date partitioned, such as:

root_folder    - shipping_log        - dt=2021-01-11            * hs7hasd6t63eg7wbs8swssdasdasdasda.parquet            * ...(more parquet files)        - (... more date folders)

The file paths can be either in the local file system or in GCS bucket. When parquet files are provided from GCS bucket, Dagger will require a core_site.xml to be configured in order to connect and read from GCS. A sample core_site.xml is present in dagger and looks like this:

<configuration>    <property>        <name></name>        <value>true</value>    </property>    <property>        <name></name>        <value>/Users/dummy/secrets/google_service_account.json</value>    </property>    <property>        <name></name>        <value>CUSTOM</value>        <final>true</final>    </property>    <property>        <name></name>        <value>my_sample_bucket_name</value>        <final>true</final>    </property>    <property>        <name></name>        <value>my_billing_project_id</value>        <final>true</final>    </property></configuration>

You can look into the official GCS Hadoop Connectors documentation to know more on how to edit this xml as per your needs.

Dagger allows configuring a single data source per stream. The SOURCE_DETAILS configuration inside STREAMS environment variable needs to be set to the desired source name and source type, along with other dependent configs. For the full list of configuration, please check here.