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This page contains references for all the custom udfs available on Dagger.

The udfs on Dagger divided into two parts:

List of Java Udfs#

Scalar Functions#


  • Contract:
    • Object ArrayAggregate(Object[] arrayElements, String operationType, String inputDataType).
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to LongbowPlus but also can be used alone. Given an Object Array, this UDF performs basic Mathematical functions on the Array. You need to give the name of the function you want to use as a string and the Data type of the element inside the input array. Find details on LongbowPlus here.
    • Currently, we only support limited operations on limited data types. The supported Data types and functions are listed below.
  • Supported Data types and Functions:
    • Data type:
      • Integer
      • Float
      • Double
      • Long
      • Other(all other data types except the above)
    • Functions:
      • Basic Mathematical aggregation functions like ‘average’, ‘sum’, ‘min’, ’max’, ’count’, ’findFirst’ etc.
      • Do some basic complex aggregations like distinct counts. You need to give an argument like ‘distinct.count’ as operationType.Prefixes have to be added before actual functions with a ‘.’ whenever required. The first operation here needs to output another Array. So for now, ‘sort’ and ‘distinct’ are only supported as the first element in complex types.
      • In the case of Float, the output will be in double.
      • For ‘Other’ data types some basic operations like ‘count’, ‘findFirst’ are supported. You can also do something like ‘distinct.count’/’sort.findFirst’ here, but no other mathematical functions are supported here.
      • Listing here all the available functions for corresponding data types
        • Mathematical Data Types: 'average', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'count', 'findFirst', 'findAny'
        • Prefix: 'sort', 'distinct'
        • Other Data Types: 'count', 'findFirst', 'findAny'
  • Example:
    • When used a single aggregation
      SELECT   ArrayAggregate(    SelectFields(proto_data, input_class_name, 'shopping_price'),    'sum',    'float') AS total_shoping_price_valueFROM   data_stream
    • When used a basic double aggregation
      SELECT   ArrayAggregate(    SelectFields(proto_data, input_class_name, 'shopping_price'),    'distinct.sum',    'float') AS average_valueFROM   data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Object[] ArrayOperate(Object[] arrayElements, String operationType, String inputDataType)
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to LongbowPlus but also can be used alone. Given an Object Array, this UDF performs basic Mathematical functions on the Array. You need to give the name of the function you want to use as a string and the Data type of the element inside the input array. Find details on LongbowPlus here.
    • Currently, we only support limited operations on limited data types. The supported Data types and functions are listed below.
  • Supported Data types and Functions:
    • Data type:
      • Integer
      • Float
      • Double
      • Long
      • Other(all other data types except the above. For String you need to process it as Other)
    • Functions:
      • Distinct
      • Sorted
  • Example:
SELECT   ArrayOperate(    SelectFields(proto_data, input_class_name, 'shopping_price'),    'distinct',     'float') AS distinct_shoping_price_valuesFROM   data_stream


  • Contract:
    • String ByteToString(ByteString byteField)
  • Functionality:
    • Given a ByteString, this UDF converts to String
  • Example:
Select    ByteToString(payload) as payload_stringfrom    data_streams


  • Contract:
    • Predicate<DynamicMessage>** CondEq(String fieldName, Object comparison)
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to LongbowPlus and has to be used with SelectFields and Filters UDFs. Find details on LongbowPlus here.
    • Can specify an equality condition with a fieldName and a value.
  • Example:
SELECT   SelectFields(    proto_data,    input_class_name,    'order_number'  ) AS favourite_service_provider_guidsFROM   data_streamWHERE   cardinality(    SelectFields(      Filters(        proto_data,         input_class_name,         CondEq('status', 'CUSTOMER_CANCELLED')      ),      'order_number'     )  ) > 0


  • Contract:
    • Boolean DartContains(String collectionName, String value, int cacheTTLin_hours) OR
    • Boolean DartContains(String collectionName, String value, String regex, int cacheTTLin_hours)
  • Functionality:
    • Check if a data point in the message is present in the GCS bucket
    • Regex can you used to create the pattern using values from GCS to match against the field value.
  • Example
    • Without regex
    SELECT   data1,  data2,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR) AS event_timestampFROM   data_streamWHERE   DartContains('test_collection', data1, 24)GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR)
    • With regex
    SELECT   data1,  data2,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR) AS event_timestampFROM   data_streamWHERE   DartContains('test_collection', data1, '^%s.*' 24)GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR)


  • Contract:
    • String DartGet(String collectionName, key, int cacheTTLin_hour)
  • Functionality:
    • Corresponding value in a GCS bucket given a key from data point
  • Example:
SELECT  DartGet('test_collection', data1, 24) AS tag_data1,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestamp,FROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND)


  • Contract:
    • Double Distance(Double latitude1, Double longitude1, Double latitude2, Double longitude2)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates the distance between two points in km with given latitude and longitude.
  • Example:
SELECT  Distance(    data1_location.latitude,    data1_location.longitude,    data2_location.latitude,    data2_location.longitude  ) AS distance_data,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_streamwhere  status = 'CUSTOMER_CANCELLED'GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),  data1_location.latitude,  data1_location.longitude,  data2_location.latitude,  data2_location.longitude


  • Contract:
    • String ElementAt(Row[] array, String pathOfArray, int index, String path, String tableName)
    • String ElementAt(Row[] array, String pathOfArray, int index, String path)
    • Object ElementAt(Object[] array, int index)
    • Object ElementAt(ArrayList\<Object\> arrayList, int index)
  • Functionality:
    • For the given table name from the streams (In the case of multi-streams/JOINS), find out the element at a given index and a given path in an array of complex Data Types.
    • Finds out the element at a given index and a given path in an array of complex Data Types. Here table name is not provided, In that case, it will always apply the function on the table from the first stream in the configuration.
    • Finds out the element at a given index in case of an object Array.
    • Finds out the element at a given index in case of an object Arraylist.
  • Examples:
    • Example 1:
    SELECT  CAST(    ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.latitude', 'data_stream_2') AS double  ) AS lat,  CAST(    ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.longitude', 'data_stream_2') AS double  ) AS long,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_stream_1GROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),  ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.latitude', 'data_stream_2'),  ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.longitude', 'data_stream_2')
    • Example 2:
    SELECT  CAST(    ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.latitude') AS double  ) AS lat,  CAST(    ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.longitude') AS double  ) AS long,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),  ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.latitude'),  ElementAt(test_data, 'data', 0, 'test_location.longitude')
    • Example 3:
    WITH tmpTable AS (  SELECT  SelectFields(    proto_data,    input_class_name,    'cancel_reason_id'  ) AS test_data_array,  longbow_read_key AS restaurant_id  FROM  data_stream)SELECT  restaurant_id,  ElementAt(test_data_array, -1) AS last_test_data_array,  ElementAt(test_data_array, -2) AS second_last_test_data_array,  ElementAt(test_data_array, -3) AS third_last_test_data_arrayFROM  tmpTable


  • Contract:
    • Long EndOfMonth(long seconds, String timeZone)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates the seconds in Unix time for the end of a month of a given timestamp second and timezone.
  • Example:
SELECT   EndOfMonth(    event_timestamp.seconds,     'America/New_York') AS TFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Long EndOfWeek(long seconds, String timeZone)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates the seconds in Unix time for the end of a week of a given timestamp second and timezone.
  • Example:
SELECT   EndOfWeek(    event_timestamp.seconds,    'America/New_York') AS TFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Double ExponentialMovingAverage(ArrayList\<Timestamp\> timestampsArray, ArrayList\<Double\> valuesArray, Timestamp hopStartTime, Double window, Double alpha)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates exponential moving average (at per minute frequency) using a list of non-null values. Parameters are window (in minutes) and alpha. The hopStartTime and the corresponding list of timestamps denote the sequence of the non-null values in the window.
  • Example:
SELECT  CAST(    ExponentialMovingAverage(      timestamps_array,      values_array,      hop_start_time,      CAST(15 AS DOUBLE),      CAST(0.2 AS DOUBLE)    ) AS BIGINT  ) AS unique_data,  event_timestampFROM  data_stream


  • Contract:
    • List<DynamicMessage>** Filters(ByteString[] inputProtoBytes, String protoClassName, Predicate<DynamicMessage>... predicates)
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to LongbowPlus and has to be used with SelectFields and CondEq UDFs. Find details on LongbowPlus here.
    • Takes ByteString[] as the data and zero or more Predicates (we have only CondEq as a predicate that is defined for now). Applies the predicated conditions on the proto ByteString list field that is selected from the query and returns filtered Data.
  • Example:
SELECT   SelectFields(    proto_data,    input_class_name,    'order_number'  ) AS favourite_service_provider_guidsFROM   data_streamWHERE   cardinality(    SelectFields(      Filters(        proto_data,         input_class_name,         CondEq('status', 'CUSTOMER_CANCELLED')      ),      'order_number'     )  ) > 0


  • Contract:
    • String FormatTimeInZone(Timestamp timestamp, String timeZone, String dateFormat)
  • Functionality:
    • Gets formatted time from timestamp in given timezone.
  • Example:
SELECT   FormatTimeInZone(    event_timestamp,    'America/New_York',    'yyyy-MM-dd'  ) AS TFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • GeoHash(Double latitude, Double longitude, int level)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns a geohash for a given level and lat-long for the given WGS84 point.
  • Example:
SELECT  data1_location.longitude AS long,  data1_location.latitude AS lat,  GeoHash(    data1_location.longitude,    data1_location.latitude,    6  ) AS geohashPickup,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),  data1_location.longitude,  data1_location.latitude


  • Contract:
    • Double LinearTrend(ArrayList<Timestamp> timestampsArray, ArrayList<Double> demandList, Timestamp hopStartTime, Integer windowLengthInMinutes)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns the gradient of the best fit line of the list of non-null demand values given the defined time window. hopStartTime and timestampsArray denote the sequence of non-null demand values in the window.
    • Find more details on Linear Trend Algorithm here.
  • Example:
SELECT  CAST(    LinearTrend(      timestamps_array,      values_array,      hop_start_time,      15    ) AS BIGINT  ) AS unique_data,  event_timestampFROM  data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Boolean ListContains(String[] inputList, String item)
  • Functionality:
    • Checks if a list contains a given item.
  • Example:
SELECT   data1,  data2FROM   data_streamWHERE   ListContains(tests, 'test1')


  • Contract:
    • Object MapGet(Row[] inputMap, Object key)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns value for a corresponding key inside a map data type.
  • Example:
SELECT   CAST(    MapGet(      metadata,      'data1'      ) AS VARCHAR    ) AS data1FROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Boolean S2AreaInKm2(String s2id)
  • Functionality:
    • Computes the area of an s2 cell in km2
  • Example:
SELECT  s2_id,  S2AreaInKm2(s2_id) AS area,  event_timestampFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Object[] SelectFields(ByteString[] inputProtoBytes, String protoClassName, String fieldPath) , Object[] SelectFields(List<DynamicMessage> filteredData, String fieldPath)
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to LongbowPlus and has to be used either with SelectFields and Filters UDFs or alone. Find details on LongbowPlus here.
    • Can select a single field from the list of proto bytes output from the LongbowRead phase. Can be used with or without applying filters on top of LongbowRead output(which will be in repeated bytes).
  • Example:
    • When used alone:
      SELECT   cardinality(    SelectFields(      proto_data,      input_class_name,      'order_number'    )  )FROM data_stream
    • When used with Filters
      SELECT   SelectFields(    proto_data,    input_class_name,    'order_number'  ) AS favourite_service_provider_guidsFROM   data_streamWHERE   cardinality(    SelectFields(      Filters(        proto_data,         input_class_name,         CondEq('status', 'CUSTOMER_CANCELLED')      ),      'order_number'     )  ) > 0


  • Contract:
    • String S2Id(Double latitude, Double longitude, int level)
  • Functionality:
    • Computes s2id for given lat, long and level.
  • Example:
SELECT   S2Id(data1.latitude, data1.longitude, 13) AS tag_s2id,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM   data_streamGROUP BY   TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),


  • Contract:
    • Row[] SingleFeatureWithType(Object... value)
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to Feast. Find details on Feast here.
    • Converts the given list of objects to a FeatureRow type with key and values from the first two args from every triplet passed in args and data type according to the third element of the triplet.
  • Example:
SELECT  SingleFeatureWithType(    'data1',    data1,    'StringType',    'data2',    data2,    'FloatType'  ) AS featuresFROM  data_stream


  • Contract:
    • String[] Split(String inputString, String delimiter)
  • Functionality:
    • Split input string based on input delimiter. The delimiter is a regex string, if you want to split by ".", you should use "\." or it will give an empty array.
  • Example:
SELECT   SPLIT(data1) as new_data1, FROM  data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Long StartOfMonth(long seconds, String time_zone)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates the seconds in Unix time for the start of a month of a given timestamp second and timezone.
  • Example:
SELECT   StartOfMonth(    event_timestamp.seconds,    'America/New_York'  ) AS start_of_monthFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Long StartOfWeek(long seconds, String timeZone)
  • Functionality:
    • Calculates the seconds in Unix time for the start of a week of a given timestamp second and timezone.
  • Example:
SELECT   StartOfWeek(    event_timestamp.seconds,    'America/New_York'  ) AS start_of_weekFROM data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Long TimeInDate(long event_timestamp, int hour, int minute)
    • Long TimeInDate(long seconds, int hour, int minute, String time_zone)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns calender's time value in seconds
  • Example:
SELECT   TimeInDate(event_timestamp.seconds, 10, 30, 'America/New_York') AS dateFROM   data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Timestamp TimestampFromUnix(long seconds)
  • Functionality:
    • Gets java.sql.Timestamp from UNIX seconds.
  • Example:
SELECT   TimestampFromUnix(event_timestamp.seconds) AS TFROM   data_stream


  • Contract:

    • String JsonUpdate(String jsonEvent, String jPath, Object newValue)
  • Functionality:

    • Returns the json string with updated value in a given jsonPath.
    • It uses special notation (JsonPath) and it traverses nodes and their connections to adjacent nodes mentioned in a JsonPath and updates the existing json with the provided newValue.
  • Example:

    • Example 1: Adds the new key k3 with value v3 to the existing Json

      SELECT   JsonUpdate('{"k1":null,"k2":"v2"}','$.k3','v3') AS TFROM   data_stream

      Result: {"k1":null,"k2":"v2","k2":"v3"}

    • Example 2: Updates the new value v1 to the existing Json at jpath $.k1

      SELECT   JsonUpdate('{"k1":null,"k2":"v2"}','$.k1','v1') AS TFROM   data_stream

      Result: {"k1":"v1","k2":"v2"}


  • Contract:

    • String JsonDelete(String jsonEvent, String jPath)
  • Functionality:

    • Returns the json string with deleted value/node based on the mentioned jsonPath.
    • It uses special notation (JsonPath) and it traverses nodes and their connections to adjacent nodes mentioned in a JsonPath and deletes the existing value or node.
  • Example:

    • Example 1: Deletes the key value pair at jsonPath $.k1

      SELECT   JsonDelete('{"k1":null,"k2":"v2"}','$.k1') AS TFROM   data_stream

      Result: {"k2":"v2"}

    • Example 2: Deletes the json node at jsonPath $.k2

      SELECT   JsonDelete('{"k1":"v1","k2":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}}','$.k2') AS TFROM   data_stream

      Result: {"k1":"v1"}

    • Example 3: Deletes the json index element value mentioned in the jsonpath $.k2[1]

      SELECT   JsonDelete('{"k1":"v1","k2":["value1","value2","value3"]}',$.k2[1]) AS TFROM   data_stream

      Result: {"k1":"v1","k2":["value1","value3"]}


  • Contract:
    • String JsonQuery(String jsonEvent, String jPath)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns the json string with child object mentioned in jsonPath.
    • It uses special notation (JsonPath) and it traverses nodes and their connections to adjacent nodes mentioned in a JsonPath and extracts the value.
  • Example:
SELECT   JsonQuery('{"k1":null,"k2":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}}','$.k2') AS TFROM   data_stream

Result: {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}

Aggregate Functions#


  • Contract:
    • ArrayList<Object> CollectArray(Object obj)
  • Functionality:
    • Return an ArrayList of the objects passed.
  • Example:
SELECT  CollectArray(DISTINCT data1) AS data1s,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND)


  • Contract:
    • Int DistinctCount(String metric)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns the distinct count of a field in the input stream.
  • Example:
SELECT  DistinctCount(data1) AS distic_count_data1,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestampFROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND)


  • Contract:
    • Row[] Features(Object... objects)
  • Functionality:
  • This is one of the UDFs related to Feast. Find details on Feast here.
    • Converts the given list of objects to a FeatureRow type with key and values from every pair passed in args.
  • Example:
SELECT  Features(    data1,    data2  ) AS features,  TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS event_timestampFROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE (rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)


  • Contract:
    • Row[] FeaturesWithType(Object... value) [for FeatureRow]
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of the UDFs related to Feast. Find details on Feast here.
    • Converts the given list of objects to a FeatureRow type with key and values from the first two args from every triplet passed in args and data type according to the third element of the triplet.
  • Example:
SELECT  FeaturesWithType(    'data1',     data1,    'StringType',     'data2',     data2,     'FloatType'  ) AS features,FROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)


  • Contract:
    • Double PercentileAggregator(BigDecimal percentile, BigDecimal value)
  • Functionality:
    • Get percentile value.
  • Example:
SELECT  PercentileAggregator(    data1,     data2  ) AS percentile,FROM  data_streamGROUP BY  TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)

Table Functions#


  • Contract:
    • Void HistogramBucket(double dValue, String buckets)
  • Functionality:
    • Returns buckets for given value to calculate histograms.
  • Example:
SELECT  data1,   data2,  data3,  'buckets', FROM   data_stream,LATERAL TABLE(HistogramBucket(data1, 'buckets'));


  • Contract:
    • Void OutlierMad(ArrayList<Double> values, ArrayList<Timestamp> timestampsArray, Timestamp windowStartTime, Integer windowLengthInMinutes, Integer observationPeriodInMinutes, Integer tolerance, Integer outlierPercentage)
  • Functionality:
    • Determines outliers for a given time series based on threshold, observation window, and tolerance provided.
  • Example:
SELECT  `timestamp` AS window_timestamp,  `value`,  `upperBound`,  `lowerBound`,  CASE    WHEN `isOutlier` THEN 1    ElSE 0  END as isOutlierFROM   data_streamLATERAL TABLE(  OutlierMad(    values_array,    timestamps_array,    hop_start_time,    CAST(20 AS INTEGER),    CAST(3 AS INTEGER),    CAST(10 AS INTEGER),    CAST(10 AS INTEGER)  )) AS T(  `timestamp`,  `value`,  `upperBound`,  `lowerBound`,  `isOutlier`)

List of Python Udfs#

Python Scalar Functions#


  • Contract:
    • String Sample(input_string).
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of sample python udfs.
    • Adding extra string from data/sample.txt to the input_string.
  • Example:
    SELECT   sample(inputString) as input_with_additonal_textFROM   data_stream


  • Contract:
    • Float Multiply(input_number1, input_number2).
  • Functionality:
    • This is one of sample python udfs.
    • Multiply two input numbers specified.
  • Example:
    SELECT   multiply(input_number1, input_number2) as multiply_resultFROM   data_stream

Python Aggregate Functions#

Python Table Functions#