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The following section covers advance features of Dagger.

Pre Processor#

Pre processors enable you to add Flink operators/transformations before passing on the stream to the SQL query.

Post Processor#

Post Processors give the capability to do custom stream processing after the SQL processing is performed. Complex transformation, enrichment & aggregation use cases are difficult to execute & maintain using SQL. Post Processors solve this problem through code and/or configuration.


Longbow enables you to perform large windowed aggregation. It uses Bigtable for managing historical data and SQL based DSL for configuration.


Longbow+ is an enhanced version of longbow. It has additional support for complex data types for long windowed aggregations.


DARTS allows you to join streaming data from a reference data store. It supports reference data store in the form of a list or <key, value> map. It enables the refer-table with the help of UDFs which can be used in the SQL query. Currently we only support GCS as reference data source.


Enable secure data access from ACL enabled kafka source using SASL (Simple Authentication Security Layer) authentication. Also enable data access from SSL/TLS enabled kafka source.