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Firehose can deployed locally, inside a Docker container or in a Kubernetes cluster. The following external services must be installed and launched before deploying Firehose on any platform -

  • Apache Kafka Server 2.3+
  • Stencil Server as schema registry
  • Telegraf as the StatsD host
  • InfluxDB for storing metrics
  • Grafana for metrics visualization
  • destination Sink server

Refer the Development Guide section on how to set up and configure the above services. For instructions on how to set up visualization of Firehose metrics , refer the Monitoring section.

Deploy on Docker

Use the Docker hub to download Firehose docker image. You need to have Docker installed in your system. Follow this guide on how to install and set up Docker in your system.

# Download docker image from docker hub
$ docker pull gotocompany/firehose

# Run the following docker command for a simple log sink.
$ docker run -e SOURCE_KAFKA_BROKERS= -e SOURCE_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID=kafka-consumer-group-id -e SOURCE_KAFKA_TOPIC=sample-topic -e SINK_TYPE=log -e SOURCE_KAFKA_CONSUMER_CONFIG_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=latest -e INPUT_SCHEMA_PROTO_CLASS=com.github.firehose.sampleLogProto.SampleLogMessage -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_STENCIL_ENABLE=true -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_STENCIL_URLS=http://localhost:9000/artifactory/proto-descriptors/latest/gotocompany/firehose:latest

Note: Make sure your protos (.jar file) are located in work-dir, this is required for Filter functionality to work.

Deploy on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. Follow this guide on how to set up and configure a Kubernetes cluster.

Then create a Firehose deployment using the Helm chart available here. The Helm chart Deployment also includes Telegraf container which works as a metrics aggregator and pushes StatsD metrics to InfluxDB. Make sure to configure all Kafka, sink and filter parameters in values.yaml file before deploying the Helm chart.

Description and default values for each parameter can be found here.

Deploy locally

Firehose needs Java SE Development Kit 8 to be installed and configured in JAVA_HOME environment variable.

# Clone the repo
$ git clone

# Build the jar
$ ./gradlew clean build

# Configure env variables
$ cat env/

# Run the Firehose
$ ./gradlew runConsumer

Note: Sample configuration for other sinks along with some advanced configurations can be found here