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MaxCompute Sink is a sink connector that allows you to write data from Kafka to Alibaba's MaxCompute Table. It supports consuming data in Protobuf and JSON(ToDo) format.


MaxCompute Sink requires the following variables to be set along with Generic ones. Please refer to the Depot's MaxCompute Sink Configuration for more.

Datatype Protobuf

MaxCompute sink has several responsibilities, including :

  1. Creation of MaxCompute table if it does not exist.
  2. Updating the MaxCompute table schema based on the latest protobuf schema.
  3. Translating protobuf messages into MaxCompute compatible records and inserting them into MaxCompute tables.

MaxCompute Table Schema Update


MaxCompute Sink update the MaxCompute table schema on separate table update operation. MaxCompute utilise Stencil to parse protobuf messages generate schema and update MaxCompute tables with the latest schema. The stencil client periodically reload the descriptor cache. Table schema update happened after the descriptor caches uploaded.

Supported Protobuf - MaxCompute Table Type Mapping

Protobuf TypeMaxCompute Type
int64, uint64, fixed64, sfixed64, sint64BIGINT
int32, uint32, fixed32, sfixed32, sint32INT
.google.protobuf.StructSTRING (Json Serialised)
map<k,v>ARRAY<STRUCT<key:k, value:v>>


MaxCompute Sink supports creation of table with partition configuration. Currently, MaxCompute Sink supports primitive field(STRING, TINYINT, SMALLINT, BIGINT) and timestamp field based partitioning. Timestamp based partitioning strategy introduces a pseudo-partition column with the value of the timestamp field truncated to the nearest start of day.


MaxCompute Sink currently does not support clustering.


For data quality checking purposes, sometimes some metadata need to be added on the record. if SINK_MAXCOMPUTE_ADD_METADATA_ENABLED is true then the metadata will be added. SINK_MAXCOMPUTE_METADATA_NAMESPACE is used for another namespace to add columns if namespace is empty, the metadata columns will be added in the root level. SINK_MAXCOMPUTE_METADATA_COLUMNS_TYPES is set with kafka metadata column and their type, An example of metadata columns that can be added for kafka records.