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Run "compass config init" to initialize a new configuartion file Run "compass help environment" for more information.

Alternatively, make a "compass.yaml" file in the current directory from the example given

compass reference

compass asset

Manage assets

compass asset delete <id>

delete asset with the given ID

compass asset edit [flags]

upsert a new asset or patch

-b, --body string   filepath to body that has to be upserted

compass asset list [flags]

lists all assets

-d, --data stringToString   filter by field in (default [])
-o, --out -o json flag to control output viewing, for json -o json (default "table")
--page uint32 Page number offset (starts from 0)
--query string querying by field
--query_fields string querying by fields
-s, --services string filter by services
--size uint32 Size of each page (default 10)
--sort string sort by certain fields
--sort_dir string sorting direction (asc / desc)
-t, --types string filter by types

compass asset star <id>

star an asset by id for current user

compass asset stargazers <id> [flags]

list all stargazers for a given asset id

--page uint32   Page number offset (starts from 0)
--size uint32 Size of each page (default 10)

compass asset starred [flags]

list all the starred assets for current user

-o, --out -o json   flag to control output viewing, for json -o json (default "table")
--page uint32 Page number offset (starts from 0)
--size uint32 Size of each page (default 10)

compass asset types [flags]

lists all asset types

-d, --data stringToString   filter by field in (default [])
--query string filter by specific query
--query_fields string filter by query field
-s, --services string filter by services
-t, --types string filter by types

compass asset unstar <id>

unstar an asset by id for current user

compass asset version <urn> <version>

get asset's previous version by urn or id and version number

compass asset versionhistory <id> [flags]

get asset version history by id

--page uint32   Page number offset (start from 0)
--size uint32 Size of each page (default 10)

compass asset view <urn>

view asset for the given ID or URN

compass completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]

Generate shell completion scripts

compass config <command>

Manage server and client configurations

compass config init

Initialize a new sevrer and client configuration

compass config list

List server and client configuration settings

compass discussion

Manage discussions

compass discussion list [flags]

lists all discussions

-o, --out -o json   flag to control output viewing, for json -o json (default "table")

compass discussion post [flags]

post discussions, add

-b, --body string   filepath to body that has to be upserted

compass discussion view <id>

view discussion for the given ID

compass lineage <urn>

observe the lineage of metadata

compass search <text> [flags]

query the metadata available

-f, --filter string   --filter=field_key1:val1,key2:val2,key3:val3 gives exact match for values
-q, --query string --query=--filter=field_key1:val1 supports fuzzy search
-r, --rankby string --rankby=<numeric_field>
-s, --size uint32 --size=10 maximum size of response query

compass server <command>

Run compass server

compass server migrate

Run storage migration

compass server start

Start server on default port 8080

compass version

Print version information