Documentation of our Compass API with gRPC and gRPC-Gateway.
License: Apache License 2.0
More about Compass
Get list of assets
Returns list of assets, optionally filtered by types, services, sorting, fields in and querying fields
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
q | query | filter by specific query | No | string |
q_fields | query | filter by multiple query fields | No | string |
types | query | filter by multiple types | No | string |
services | query | filter by multiple services | No | string |
sort | query | sorting based on fields | No | string |
direction | query | sorting direction can either be asc or desc | No | string |
size | query | maximum size to fetch | No | long |
offset | query | offset to fetch from | No | long |
with_total | query | if set include total field in response | No | boolean |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Update/Create an asset
Upsert will update an asset or create a new one if it does not exist yet
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpsertAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Patch/Create an asset
Similar to Upsert but with patch strategy and different body format
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpsertPatchAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Create asset's probe
Add a new probe to an asset
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateAssetProbeResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Find an asset
Returns a single asset with given ID
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAssetByIDResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Delete an asset
Delete a single asset with given ID
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Delete assets by query expression.
Delete all assets that match the given query expression.
The query expr at least must consist refreshed_at
, type
, and service
and service
identifiers valid only if it's using equals (==
) or IN
operator, to prevent human error on deleting assets.
For example of the correct query:
refreshed_at <= "2023-12-12 23:59:59" && service in ["service-1", "service-2"] && type == "table"
refreshed_at <= (now() - duration('24h') && service == "service-1" && (type == "table" || != "bar")
The idea of query expr converter is convert query_expr
to AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), then make it as SQL Query and Elasticsearch Query so can used as filter query on deletion process.
Currently, the expr query already support most of the frequently used cases, except ChainNode, SliceNode, CallNode, ClosureNode, PointerNode, VariableDeclaratorNode, MapNode, and PairNode.
For more contexts, please refer to AST Node in expr-lang library and Query Expr Converter in Compass.
Example of unsupported query for now due to not directly produce a value is
service in filter(assets, .Service startsWith "T")
Complex query covered only if it directly produces a value, like bool_identifier == !(findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], # > 2) == 4)
will produce bool_identifier == false
However, please do the best practice that try to simplify the query first to makes readable and prevent unwanted things like errors or false positive result. Like example before, please write false
instead of !(findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], # > 2) == 4)
. You can use expr-lang playground to simplify the query expr.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
query_expr | body | query expression based on expr-lang to filtering the assets that wants to be deleted. refreshed_at , type , and service identifiers must exist in the query. The type and service must using equals (== ) or IN operator | Yes | string |
dry_run | body | (default: false) if set to true, deletion will not be executed but the number of rows matching the query is returned. Else, will perform deletion in the background (default) | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Find users that stars an asset
Returns a list of users that stars an asset
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAssetStargazersResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get version history of an asset
Returns a list of asset version history
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAssetVersionHistoryResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get asset's previous version
Returns a specific version of an asset
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
version | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAssetByVersionResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get Lineage Graph
Returns the lineage graph. Each entry in the graph describes a (edge) directed relation of assets with source and destination using it's urn, type, and service.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
urn | path | | Yes | string |
level | query | | No | long |
direction | query | | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetGraphResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Search for an asset
API for querying documents. 'text' is fuzzy matched against all the available datasets, and matched results are returned. You can specify additional match criteria using 'filter[.*]' query parameters. You can specify each filter multiple times to specify a set of values for those filters. For instance, to specify two landscape 'vn' and 'th', the query could be /search/?text=<text>&filter[environment]=integration&filter[landscape]=vn&filter[landscape]=th
. As an alternative, this API also supports fuzzy filter match with 'query' query params. For instance, searching assets that has 'bigqu' term in its description /search/?text=<text>&query[description]=bigqu
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
text | query | text to search for (fuzzy) | No | string |
rankby | query | descendingly sort based on a numeric field in the asset. the nested field is written with period separated field name. eg, "rankby[data.profile.usage_count]" | No | string |
size | query | number of results to return | No | long |
include_fields | query | | No | [ string ] |
offset | query | offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | SearchAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Suggest an asset
API for retreiving N number of asset names that similar with the text
. By default, N = 5 for now and hardcoded in the code.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
text | query | text to search for suggestions | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | SuggestAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all discussions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
type | query | | No | string |
state | query | | No | string |
owner | query | | No | string |
assignee | query | | No | string |
asset | query | | No | string |
labels | query | | No | string |
sort | query | | No | string |
direction | query | | No | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllDiscussionsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Create a discussion
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateDiscussionResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all comments of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
sort | query | | No | string |
direction | query | | No | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllCommentsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Create a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "body": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Delete a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Update a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "body": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpdateCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetDiscussionResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Patch a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "assets": [ string ], "assignees": [ string ], "body": string, "labels": [ string ], "state": string, "title": string, "type": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | PatchDiscussionResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all discussions of a user
Returns all discussions given possible filters of a user
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
filter | query | | No | string |
type | query | | No | string |
state | query | | No | string |
asset | query | | No | string |
labels | query | | No | string |
sort | query | | No | string |
direction | query | | No | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyDiscussionsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all comments of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
sort | query | | No | string |
direction | query | | No | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllCommentsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Create a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "body": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Delete a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Update a comment of a discussion
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
discussion_id | path | | Yes | string |
id | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "body": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpdateCommentResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get Lineage Graph
Returns the lineage graph. Each entry in the graph describes a (edge) directed relation of assets with source and destination using it's urn, type, and service.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
urn | path | | Yes | string |
level | query | | No | long |
direction | query | | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetGraphResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all discussions of a user
Returns all discussions given possible filters of a user
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
filter | query | | No | string |
type | query | | No | string |
state | query | | No | string |
asset | query | | No | string |
labels | query | | No | string |
sort | query | | No | string |
direction | query | | No | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyDiscussionsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get my starred assets
Get all assets starred by me
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyStarredAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get my starred asset
Get an asset starred by me
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyStarredAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Unstar an asset
Unmark my starred asset
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UnstarAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Star an asset
Mark an asset with a star
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | StarAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get assets starred by a user
Get all assets starred by a user
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
user_id | path | | Yes | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetUserStarredAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get my starred assets
Get all assets starred by me
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyStarredAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get my starred asset
Get an asset starred by me
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetMyStarredAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Unstar an asset
Unmark my starred asset
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UnstarAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Star an asset
Mark an asset with a star
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | StarAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get assets starred by a user
Get all assets starred by a user
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
user_id | path | | Yes | string |
size | query | | No | long |
offset | query | | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetUserStarredAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Search for an asset
API for querying documents. 'text' is fuzzy matched against all the available datasets, and matched results are returned. You can specify additional match criteria using 'filter[.*]' query parameters. You can specify each filter multiple times to specify a set of values for those filters. For instance, to specify two landscape 'vn' and 'th', the query could be /search/?text=<text>&filter[environment]=integration&filter[landscape]=vn&filter[landscape]=th
. As an alternative, this API also supports fuzzy filter match with 'query' query params. For instance, searching assets that has 'bigqu' term in its description /search/?text=<text>&query[description]=bigqu
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
text | query | text to search for (fuzzy) | No | string |
rankby | query | descendingly sort based on a numeric field in the asset. the nested field is written with period separated field name. eg, "rankby[data.profile.usage_count]" | No | string |
size | query | number of results to return | No | long |
include_fields | query | | No | [ string ] |
offset | query | offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch | No | long |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | SearchAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Suggest an asset
API for retreiving N number of asset names that similar with the text
. By default, N = 5 for now and hardcoded in the code.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
text | query | text to search for suggestions | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | SuggestAssetsResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Tag an asset
Tag an asset with a tag template
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
body | body | Request to be sent to create a tag | Yes | CreateTagAssetRequest |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateTagAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get an asset's tags
Get all tags for an assets
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllTagsByAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Find a tag by asset and template
Find a single tag using asset id and template urn
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetTagByAssetAndTemplateResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Remove a tag on an asset
Remove a tag on an asset in a type
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteTagAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Update a tag on an asset
Update a tag on an asset
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
asset_id | path | | Yes | string |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "tag_values": [ TagValue ], "template_description": string, "template_display_name": string } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpdateTagAssetResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get all tag templates
Get all available tag templates
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
urn | query | | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllTagTemplatesResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Create a template
Create a new tag template
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | CreateTagTemplateResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Get a tag template
Get a single tag template
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetTagTemplateResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Delete a tag template
Delete a single tag template
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | DeleteTagTemplateResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Update a template
Update an existing tag template
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
template_urn | path | | Yes | string |
body | body | | Yes | { "description": string, "display_name": string, "fields": [ TagTemplateField ] } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | UpdateTagTemplateResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
fetch all types
Fetch all types supported in Compass
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
q | query | filter by specific query | No | string |
q_fields | query | filter by multiple query fields | No | string |
types | query | filter by multiple types | No | string |
services | query | filter by multiple services | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A successful response. | GetAllTypesResponse |
400 | Returned when the data that user input is wrong. | Status |
404 | Returned when the resource does not exist. | Status |
409 | Returned when the resource already exist. | Status |
500 | Returned when theres is something wrong on the server side. | Status |
default | An unexpected error response. | Status |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
@type | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
from | | | No |
path | [ string ] | | No |
to | | | No |
type | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
body | string | | No |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
discussion_id | string | | No |
id | string | | No |
owner | User | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
updated_by | User | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
metadata | object | | No |
status | string | | Yes |
status_reason | string | | No |
timestamp | dateTime | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Request to be sent to create a discussion
Name | Type | Description | Required |
assets | [ string ] | | No |
assignees | [ string ] | | No |
body | string | | Yes |
labels | [ string ] | | No |
state | string | | No |
title | string | | Yes |
type | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Request to be sent to create a tag
Name | Type | Description | Required |
asset_id | string | | Yes |
tag_values | [ TagValue ] | | Yes |
template_description | string | | No |
template_display_name | string | | No |
template_urn | string | | Yes |
Request to be sent to create a tag's template
Name | Type | Description | Required |
description | string | | Yes |
display_name | string | | Yes |
fields | [ TagTemplateField ] | | No |
urn | string | | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
DeleteAssetResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description |
affected_rows | integer | the numbers of assets that match the given query |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
DeleteCommentResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
DeleteTagAssetResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
DeleteTagTemplateResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
assets | [ string ] | | No |
assignees | [ string ] | | No |
body | string | | No |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
id | string | | No |
labels | [ string ] | | No |
owner | User | | No |
state | string | | No |
title | string | | No |
type | string | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | [ Comment ] | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | [ User ] | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | Comment | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | [ LineageEdge ] | Edges in the graph. | No |
node_attrs | object | Key is the asset URN. Node attributes, if present, will be returned for source and target nodes in the LineageEdge. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
prop | object | | No |
source | string | | No |
target | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
service | string | | No |
type | string | | No |
urn | string | | No |
is a singleton enumeration to represent the null value for the
type union.
The JSON representation for NullValue
is JSON null
Name | Type | Description | Required |
NullValue | string | NullValue is a singleton enumeration to represent the null value for the Value type union. The JSON representation for NullValue is JSON null . - NULL_VALUE: Null value. | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
PatchDiscussionResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
code | integer | | No |
details | [ Any ] | | No |
message | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | [ string ] | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
description | string | | No |
display_name | string | | No |
fields | [ TagTemplateField ] | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
urn | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
data_type | string | | No |
description | string | | No |
display_name | string | | No |
id | long | | No |
options | [ string ] | | No |
required | boolean | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
urn | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
field_data_type | string | | No |
field_description | string | | No |
field_display_name | string | | No |
field_id | long | | No |
field_options | [ string ] | | No |
field_required | boolean | | No |
field_urn | string | | No |
field_value | | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
UnstarAssetResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
UpdateCommentResponse | object | | |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | object | dynamic data of an asset | No |
description | string | | No |
labels | object | labels of an asset | No |
name | string | | No |
owners | [ User ] | list of owners of the asset | No |
service | string | | No |
type | string | | No |
url | string | | No |
urn | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
asset | UpsertPatchAssetRequest.Asset | | No |
downstreams | [ LineageNode ] | | No |
overwrite_lineage | boolean | overwrite_lineage determines whether the asset's lineage should be overwritten with the upstreams and downstreams specified in the request. Currently, it is only applicable when both upstreams and downstreams are empty/not specified. | No |
upstreams | [ LineageNode ] | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | object | dynamic data of an asset | No |
description | string | description of an asset | No |
labels | object | labels of an asset | No |
name | string | name of an asset | No |
owners | [ User ] | list of owners of the asset | No |
service | string | | No |
type | string | | No |
url | string | | No |
urn | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
email | string | | No |
id | string | | No |
provider | string | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
uuid | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
changelog | [ Change ] | | No |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
data | object | | No |
description | string | | No |
id | string | | No |
labels | object | | No |
name | string | | No |
owners | [ User ] | | No |
probes | [ v1beta1.Probe ] | | No |
service | string | | No |
type | string | | No |
updated_at | dateTime | | No |
updated_by | User | | No |
url | string | | No |
urn | string | | No |
version | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
asset_urn | string | | No |
created_at | dateTime | | No |
id | string | | No |
metadata | object | | No |
status | string | | No |
status_reason | string | | No |
timestamp | dateTime | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
asset_id | string | | No |
tag_values | [ TagValue ] | | No |
template_description | string | | No |
template_display_name | string | | No |
template_urn | string | | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
count | long | | No |
name | string | | No |