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There are several approaches to install Compass.

  1. Using a pre-compiled binary
  2. Using the Docker image
  3. Installing from source

Binary (Cross-platform)

Download the appropriate version for your platform from releases page. Once downloaded, the binary can be run from anywhere. You don’t need to install it into a global location. This works well for shared hosts and other systems where you don’t have a privileged account. Ideally, you should install it somewhere in your PATH for easy use. /usr/local/bin is the most probable location.


Compass is available via a Homebrew Tap, and as downloadable binary from the releases page:

brew install goto/tap/compass

To upgrade to the latest version:

brew upgrade compass


Compass is available as downloadable binaries from the releases page. Download the .deb or .rpm from the releases page and install with sudo dpkg -i and sudo rpm -i respectively.


compass is available via scoop, and as a downloadable binary from the releases page:

scoop bucket add compass

To upgrade to the latest version:

scoop update compass


We provide ready to use Docker container images. To pull the latest image:

docker pull gotocompany/compass:latest

To pull a specific version:

docker pull gotocompany/compass:v0.3.2

If you like to have a shell alias that runs the latest version of compass from docker whenever you type compass:

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/gotocompany
alias compass="docker run -e HOME=/tmp -v $HOME/.config/gotocompany:/tmp/.config/gotocompany --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -it -p 3306:3306/tcp gotocompany/compass:latest"

Building from Source

Begin by cloning this repository then you have two ways in which you can build compass

  • As a native executable
  • As a docker image

Run either of the following commands to clone and compile Compass from source

$ git clone                 # (Using SSH Protocol)
$ git clone # (Using HTTPS Protocol)

As a native executable

To build compass as a native executable, run make inside the cloned repository.

$ make

This will create the compass binary in the root directory

Initialise server and client config file. Customise the compass.yml file with your local configurations.

$ ./compass config init

Run database migrations

$ ./compass server migrate

Start compass server

$ ./compass server start

As a Docker image

Building compass' Docker image is just a simple, just run docker build command and optionally name the image

$ docker build . -t compass

Verifying the installation​

To verify if Compass is properly installed, run compass --help on your system. You should see help output. If you are executing it from the command line, make sure it is on your PATH or you may get an error about Compass not being found.

$ compass --help

What's next

  • See the Configurations page on how to setup Compass server and client
  • See the CLI Reference for a complete list of commands and options.