This quick start will explore how to use Stencil command line interface and client libraries inside your application code. As part of this quick start we will start stencil server, create schema and then use stencil clients to serialise and deserialise data using registered schemas.
- Docker or a local installation of the Stencil binary.
- A development environment applicable to one of the languages in this quick start (currently Go, Java, and JavaScript).
- Postgres database and protoc if your schema format is protobuf.
- Kafka
Step 1: Start server
- Executable
- Docker
Run stencil server locally using installed stencil binary.
Note: Below command assumes stencil_dev
db present in your postgres instance.
$ export DB_CONNECTIONSTRING=postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/stencil_dev?sslmode=disable
# Run database migrations
$ stencil server migrate
# Stencil server
$ stencil server start
# Check if server running
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ping
Run stencil server locally using docker
Note: Below command assumes stencil_dev
db present in your postgres instance.
# Run database migrations
$ docker run -e PORT=8000 -e DB_CONNECTIONSTRING=postgres://postgres@host.docker.internal:5432/stencil_dev?sslmode=disable -p 8000:8000 gotocompany/stencil server migrate
# Stencil server at port 8000
$ docker run -e PORT=8000 -e KAFKAPRODUCER_BOORSTRAP_SERVER=localhost:9092 SCHEMACHANGE_ENABLE=true SCHEMACHANGE_KAFKATOPIC=schema_change DB_CONNECTIONSTRING=postgres://postgres@host.docker.internal:5432/stencil_dev?sslmode=disable -p 8000:8000 gotocompany/stencil server start
# Check if server running
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/ping
Step 2: Create schema
- Protobuf
- Avro
$ mkdir example
$ cd example
# Create a sample proto schema.
$ echo "syntax=\"proto3\";
package stencil;
message One {
int32 field_one = 1;
}" > schema.proto
# Create proto descriptor file
$ protoc --descriptor_set_out=./schema.desc --include_imports ./**/*.proto
$ mkdir example
$ cd example
# Create a sample avro schema.
$ echo "{
\"type\" : \"record\",
\"namespace\" : \"Tutorialspoint\",
\"name\" : \"Employee\",
\"fields\" : [
{ \"name\" : \"Name\" , \"type\" : \"string\" },
{ \"name\" : \"Age\" , \"type\" : \"int\" }
}" > schema.json
$ mkdir example
$ cd example
# Create example JSON schema file.
$ echo "{
\"additionalProperties\": false
}" > schema.json
Step 3: Upload to server
# Create namespace named "quickstart" with backward compatibility enabled
$ stencil namespace create quickstart -c COMPATIBILITY_BACKWARD -f FORMAT_PROTOBUF -d "For quickstart guide" --host http://localhost:8000
# List namespaces
$ stencil namespace list --host http://localhost:8000
# Upload generated schema proto descriptor file to server with schema name as `example` under `quickstart` namespace.
$ stencil schema create example --namespace=quickstart –-filePath=schema.desc
# Get list of schemas available in a namespace
$ stencil schema list --host http://localhost:8000
# Get list of versions available for particular schema. These versions are auto generated.
# Version numbers managed by stencil.
$ stencil schema version example -n quickstart --host http://localhost:8000
# Download specific version of particular schema
$ stencil schema get example --version 1 --host http://localhost:8000
# Download latest version of particular schema
$ stencil schema get example -n quickstart --host http://localhost:8000
# Create namespace named "quickstart" with backward compatibility enabled
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id": "quickstart", "format": "FORMAT_PROTOBUF", "compatibility": "COMPATIBILITY_BACKWARD", "description": "For quickstart guide"}'
# List namespaces
$ curl http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces
# Upload generated schema proto descriptor file to server with schema name as `example` under `quickstart` namespace.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example --data-binary "@schema.desc"
# Get list of schemas available in a namespace
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas
# Get list of versions available for particular schema. These versions are auto generated.
# Version numbers managed by stencil.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example/versions
# Download specific version of particular schema
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example/versions/1
# Download latest version of particular schema
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example;
# Reconciliation API
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1beta1/schema/detect-change/quickstart/example?from=1&to=2;
Step 4: Using client
Let's use this API in our GO client
package main
import (
stencil "github.com/goto/stencil/clients/go"
func main() {
url := "http://localhost:8000/v1/namespaces/quickstart/descriptors/example/versions/latest"
client, err := stencil.NewClient([]string{url}, stencil.Options{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to create client", err)
desc, err := client.GetDescriptor("stencil.One")
// ...