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Stencil is dynamic protobuf schema registry. It provides REST interface for storing and retrieving protobuf file descriptors.


  • stores versioned history of proto descriptor file on specified namespace and name
  • enforce backward compatibility check on upload by default
  • ability to skip some of the backward compatibility checks while upload
  • ability to download fully contained proto descriptor file for specified proto message fullName
  • provides metadata API to retrieve latest version number given a name and namespace


  • postgres 13
  • kafka 3.7.0


Run the following commands to run from docker image

$ docker pull gotocompany/stencil

Run the following commands to compile from source

$ git clone
$ cd stencil
$ go build -o stencil
$ ./stencil --help

# Create a sample config file.
$ cp config/config.yaml config.yaml

$ ./stencil server start -c config.yaml

Configuring environment Variables

You can also specfify stencil server configurations through following environment variables. Note: ENV vars takes more precendence over config file.

PORTport number default to 8080
TIMEOUTgraceful time to wait before shutting down the server. Takes time.Duration format. Eg: 30s or 20m
DB_CONNECTIONSTRINGpostgres db connection url. Eg: postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/db_name
NEWRELIC_ENABLEDboolean to enable newrelic
NEWRELIC_LICENSELicense key for newrelic
KAFKAPRODUCER_RETRIESNumber of retries for producer if publish to kafka topic fails
KAFKAPRODUCER_TIMEOUTTimeout for write operation performed by the Writer.
SCHEMACHANGE_ENABLEflag to enable change detector
SCHEMACHANGE_KAFKATOPICname of kafka topic to which messages related to SchemaChangeEvent will be published
SCHEMACHANGE_DEPTHDepth to which indirectly impacted schemas are processed. If empty or -1, it will process all indirectly impacted schemas.


Quick start API usage examples

The following assumes you have Stencil server up and running at port 8080 and protoc is installed.

$ mkdir example
$ cd example
# create example proto file. You can add as many proto files as you want.
$ echo "syntax=\"proto3\";\npackage stencil;\nmessage One {\n int32 field_one = 1;\n}" > 1.proto

# create descriptor file
$ protoc --descriptor_set_out=./file.desc --include_imports ./1.proto

# create namespace named "quickstart" with backward compatibility enabled
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id": "quickstart", "format": "FORMAT_PROTOBUF", "compatibility": "COMPATIBILITY_BACKWARD", "description": "This field can be used to store namespace description"}'

# list namespaces
curl http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces

# upload generated proto descriptor file to server with schema name as `example` under `quickstart` namespace.
curl -H "" -H "X-CommitSHA:some-commit-sha" -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example --data-binary "@file.desc"

# get list of schemas available in a namespace
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas

# get list of versions available for particular schema. These versions are auto generated. Version numbers managed by stencil.
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example/versions

# download specific version of particular schema
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example/versions/1

# download latest version of particular schema
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example;

# now let's try uploading breaking proto definition. Note that proto field number has changed from 1 to 2.
echo "syntax=\"proto3\";\npackage stencil;\nmessage One {\n int32 field_one = 2;\n}" > one.proto;

# create descriptor file
protoc --descriptor_set_out=./file.desc --include_imports ./**/*.proto;

# now try to upload this descriptor file with same name as before. This call should fail, giving you reason it has failed.
curl -H "" -H "X-CommitSHA:some-commit-sha" -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas --data-binary "@file.desc";

# now let's try fixing our proto add a new field without having any breaking changes.
echo "syntax=\"proto3\";\npackage stencil;\nmessage One {\n int32 field_one = 1;\nint32 field_two = 2;\n}" > one.proto;

# create descriptor file
protoc --descriptor_set_out=./file.desc --include_imports ./**/*.proto

# now try to upload this descriptor file with same name as before. This call should succeed
curl -H "" -H "X-CommitSHA:some-commit-sha" -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas --data-binary "@file.desc"

# now try versions api. It should have 2 versions now.
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas/example/versions

# upload schema can be called multiple times. Stencil server will retain old version if it's already uploaded. This call won't create new version again. You can verify by using versions API again.
curl -H "" -H "X-CommitSHA:some-commit-sha" -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1/namespaces/quickstart/schemas --data-binary "@file.desc"

# Reconciliation API
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1beta1/schema/detect-change/quickstart/example?from=1&to=2;