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Templates concept in Siren is used for abstraction. The usage is versatile enough to be used to abstract out rules and notification format. It utilises go-templates to provide data-driven templates for generating textual output. The template delimiter used is [[ and ]].

One can create templates using either HTTP APIs or CLI.

API interface

Template creation/update

Templates can be created using Siren APIs. The below snippet describes an example.

$ siren template upsert --file template.yaml

Terminology of the request body

NameName of the templateCPUHigh
BodyArray of rule body. The body can be templatized in go template format.See example above
VariablesArray of variables that were templatized in the body with their data type, default value and description.See example above
TagsArray of resources/applications that can utilize this templateVM

The response body will look like this:

"id": 38,
"CreatedAt": "2021-04-29T16:20:48.061862+05:30",
"UpdatedAt": "2021-04-29T16:22:19.978837+05:30",
"name": "CPU",
"body": "- alert: CPUHighWarning\n expr: avg by (host) (cpu_usage_user{cpu=\"cpu-total\"}) > [[.warning]]\n for: '[[.for]]'\n labels:\n severity: WARNING\n team: '[[ .team ]]'\n annotations:\n dashboard:\n description: CPU has been above [[.warning]] for last [[.for]] {{ $ }}\n- alert: CPUHighCritical\n expr: avg by (host) (cpu_usage_user{cpu=\"cpu-total\"}) > [[.critical]]\n for: '[[.for]]'\n labels:\n severity: CRITICAL\n team: '[[ .team ]]'\n annotations:\n dashboard:\n description: CPU has been above [[.critical]] for last [[.for]] {{ $ }}\n",
"tags": ["firehose", "dagger"],
"variables": [
"name": "team",
"type": "string",
"default": "gotocompany",
"description": "Name of the team that owns the deployment"
"name": "for",
"type": "string",
"default": "10m",
"description": "For eg 5m, 2h; Golang duration format"
"name": "warning",
"type": "int",
"default": "85",
"description": ""
"name": "critical",
"type": "int",
"default": "95",
"description": ""

Fetching a template

Fetching by Name

Here is an example to fetch a template using name.

$ siren template view cpu

Fetching by Tags

Here is an example to fetch a templates matching the tag.

$ siren template list --tag firehose

Deleting a template

DELETE /v1beta1/templates/cpu HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
$ siren template delete cpu


  1. Updating a template via API will not upload the associated rules.

CLI interface

With CLI, you will need a YAML file in the below specified format to create/update templates. The CLI calls Siren service templates APIs in turn.

Example template file

apiVersion: v2
type: template
name: CPU
- alert: CPUWarning
expr: avg by (host) (cpu_usage_user{cpu="cpu-total"}) > [[.warning]]
for: "[[.for]]"
severity: WARNING
description: CPU has been above [[.warning]] for last [[.for]] {{ $ }}
- alert: CPUCritical
expr: avg by (host) (cpu_usage_user{cpu="cpu-total"}) > [[.critical]]
for: "[[.for]]"
severity: CRITICAL
description: CPU has been above [[.critical]] for last [[.for]] {{ $ }}
- name: for
type: string
default: 10m
description: For eg 5m, 2h; Golang duration format
- name: warning
type: int
default: 80
- name: critical
type: int
default: 90
- systems

In the above example, we are using one template to define rules of two severity labels viz WARNING and CRITICAL. Here we have made 3 templates variables for, warning and critical which denote the appropriate alerting thresholds. They will be given a value while actual rule(alert) creating.

siren template upload cpu_template.yaml


API VersionWhich API to use to parse the YAML filev2
TypeDescribes the type of object represented by YAML filetemplate
NameName of the templateCPUHigh
BodyArray of rule body. The body can be templatized in go template format.See example file
VariablesArray of variables that were templatized in the body with their data type, default value and description.See example file
TagsArray of resources/applications that can utilize this templateVM


  1. It's suggested to always provide default value for the templated variables.
  2. Updating a template used by rules via CLI will update all associated rules.