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You can use receivers to send notifications on demand as well as on certain matching conditions (API for this is in the roadmap). Subscriptions use receivers to define routing configuration in Siren. With Siren subscriptions, incoming alerts via webhook will be routed to the pre-registered receivers by matching the subscriptions label. More info about notification concept is here. The how-to sending notification can be found here.

Create a Receiver

Each receiver type might require different kind of configurations. A configurations field is a dynamic field that has to be filled depend on the receiver type. Below is the example to add a PagerDuty receiver. A labels field is a KV-string value to label each receiver.

$ siren receiver create --file receiver.yaml

Update a Receiver

Note: While updating a receiver, you will have to make sure all subscriptions that are using this receivers get refreshed(updated), since subscriptions use receivers to create routing configuration dynamically. Receiver type is immutable.

$ siren receiver edit --id 61 --file receiver.yaml

Getting a receiver

$ siren receiver view 61

Getting all receivers

$ siren receiver list

Deleting a receiver

$ siren receiver delete 61

CLI Interface

Receivers are the medium to send notification for which we intend to mange configuration.

siren receiver [flags]

Core commands
create Create a new receiver
delete Delete a receiver details
edit Edit a receiver
list List receivers
send Send a receiver notification
view View a receiver details

-h, --host string Siren API service to connect to
Use "siren receiver [command] --help" for more information about a command.