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This document will guide you to get Raccoon along with Kafka setup running locally. This document assumes that you have installed Docker and Kafka with host.docker.internal advertised on your machine.

Run Raccoon With Docker

Run the following command. Make sure to set PUBLISHER_KAFKA_CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS according to your local Kafka setup.

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 \

To test whether the service is running or not, you can try to ping the server.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/ping

Publishing Your First Event

Currently, Raccoon doesn't come with a library client. To start publishing events to Raccoon, we provide you an example of a go client that you can refer to. You can also run the example right away if you have Go installed on your machine.

# `cd` on the client example directory and run the following
$ go run main.go sample.pb.go

To verify the event published by Raccoon. First, you need to start a Kafka listener.

$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic clickstream-log

Where To Go Next

For more detail about publishing events to Raccoon, you can read the detailed document under the guides section. To understand more about how Raccoon work, you can go to the architecture document.