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Job Change Metrics

job_events_totalcounterNumber of job changes attempt.project, namespace, status
job_upload_totalcounterNumber of jobs uploaded to scheduler.project, namespace, status
job_removal_totalcounterNumber of jobs removed from scheduler.project, namespace, status
job_namespace_migrations_totalcounterNumber of jobs migrated from a namespace to another.project, namespace_source, namespace_destination
job_replace_all_duration_secondscounterDuration of job 'replace-all' process in seconds.project, namespace
job_refresh_duration_secondscounterDuration of job 'refresh' process in seconds.project
job_validation_duration_secondscounterDuration of job 'validation' process in seconds.project, namespace

JobRun Metrics

jobrun_events_totalcounterNumber of jobrun events in a job broken by the status, e.g sla_miss, wait_upstream, in_progress, success, failed.project, namespace, job, status
jobrun_sensor_events_totalcounterNumber of sensor run events broken by the event_type, e.g start, retry, success, fail.project, namespace, event_type
jobrun_task_events_totalcounterNumber of task run events for a given operator (task name) broken by the event_type, e.g start, retry, success, fail.project, namespace, event_type, operator
jobrun_hook_events_totalcounterNumber of hook run events for a given operator (task name) broken by the event_type, e.g start, retry, success, fail.project, namespace, event_type, operator
jobrun_replay_requests_totalcounterNumber of replay requests for a single job.project, namespace, job, status
jobrun_alerts_totalcounterNumber of the alerts triggered broken by the alert type.project, namespace, type

Resource Metrics

resource_events_totalcounterNumber of resource change attempts broken down by the resource type and status.project, namespace, datastore, type, status
resource_namespace_migrations_totalcounterNumber of resources migrated from a namespace to another namespace.project, namespace_source, namespace_destination
resource_upload_all_duration_secondsgaugeDuration of uploading all resource specification in seconds.project, namespace
resource_backup_requests_totalcounterNumber of backup requests for a single resource.project, namespace, resource, status

Tenant Metrics

secret_events_totalcounterNumber of secret change attempts.project, namespace, status

System Metrics

application_heartbeatcounterOptimus server heartbeat pings.-
application_uptime_secondsgaugeSeconds since the application started.-
notification_queue_totalcounterNumber of items queued in the notification channel.type
notification_worker_batch_totalcounterNumber of worker executions in the notification channel.type
notification_worker_send_err_totalcounterNumber of events created and to be sent to writer.type
publisher_kafka_events_queued_totalcounterNumber of events queued to be published to kafka topic.-