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Installing Optimus on any system is straight forward. There are several approaches to install Optimus:

  • Using a pre-built binary
  • Installing with package manager
  • Installing with Docker
  • Installing from source

Using a Pre-built Binary

The client and server binaries are downloadable at the releases section.

Once installed, you should be able to run:

$ optimus version

Installing with Package Manager

For macOS, you can install Optimus using homebrew:

$ brew install goto/tap/optimus
$ optimus version

Installing using Docker

To pull latest image:

$ docker pull goto/optimus:latest

To pull specific image:

$ docker pull goto/optimus:0.6.0

Installing from Source


Optimus requires the following dependencies:

  • Golang (version 1.18 or above)
  • Git


Run the following commands to compile optimus from source

$ git clone
$ cd optimus
$ make build

Use the following command to test

$ optimus version