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Setting up Alert to Job

There are chances that your job is failing due to some reason or missed the SLA. For these cases, you might want to set the alerts and get notified as soon as possible.

Supported Events

Event TypeDescription
failureTriggered when job run status is failed.
sla_missTriggered when the job run does not complete within the duration that you expected. Duration should be specified in the config and should be in string duration.

Supported Channels

SlackChannel/team handle or specific user
PagerdutyNeeding notify_<pagerduty_service_name> secret with pagerduty integration key/routing key

Sample Configuration

- 'on': failure/sla_miss
config :
duration : 2h45m
- slack://#slack-channel or @team-group or user&
- pagerduty://#pagerduty_service_name