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Built for scale

Siren provides an easy-to-use universal alert, notification, channels management framework for the entire observability infrastructure..

Rule Templates

Siren provides a way to define templates over prometheus Rule, which can be reused to create multiple instances of same rule with configurable thresholds.


Rules created with Siren are by default multi-tenancy aware.

DIY Interface

Siren can be used to easily create/edit prometheus rules. It also provides soft delete(disable) so that you can preserve thresholds in case you need to reuse the same alert.

Managing bulk rules

Siren enables users to manage bulk alerts using YAML files in specified format using simple CLI.

Credentials Management

Siren can store slack and pagerduty credentials, sync them with Cortex alertmanager to deliver alerts on proper channels, in a multi-tenant fashion. It gives a simple interface to rotate the credentials on demand via HTTP API.

Alert History

Siren can store alerts triggered via Cortex Alertmanager, which can be used for audit purposes.

Trusted by

Siren was originally created for the Gojek data processing platform, and it has been used, adapted and improved by other teams internally and externally.